A vaccine needs years of research to get permission for being used in clinics. these are the stages that a vaccine goes through to receive approval.

PRECLINICAL TESTING: Scientists test a new vaccine on cells and then give it to animals such as mice or monkeys to see if it produces an immune response.

PHASE 1 SAFETY TRIALS: Scientists give the vaccine to a small number of people to test safety and dosage, as well as to confirm that it stimulates the immune system.

PHASE 2 EXPANDED TRIALS: Scientists give the vaccine to hundreds of people split into groups, such as children and the elderly, to see if the vaccine acts differently in them. These trials further test the vaccine’s safety.

PHASE 3 EFFICACY TRIALS: Scientists give the vaccine to thousands of people and wait to see how many become infected, compared with volunteers who received a placebo. Rare side effects will be revealed during this phase.

EARLY OR LIMITED APPROVAL: Some countries like China, Russia have given emergency authorization based on preliminary evidence that they are safe and effective. 

APPROVAL: Regulators review the complete trial results and plans for a vaccine’s manufacturing, and decide whether to give it full approval.

COMBINED PHASES: One way to accelerate vaccine development is to combine phases. Some vaccines are now in Phase 1/2 trials, for example, which this tracker would count as both Phase 1 and Phase 2.

PAUSED or ABANDONED: If investigators observe worrying symptoms in volunteers, they can pause the trial. After an investigation, the trial may resume or be abandoned

(ref: The New York Times: coronavirus vaccine tracker)

As of February 10, 2021 there are 12 leading coronavirus vaccines which are being used in different countries.(ref: The New York Times: coronavirus vaccine tracker)

Pfizer-BioNTechmRNA2-3Approved in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland.
Emergency use in U.S., E.U., other countries.
U.S.A.ModernamRNA3Approved in Switzerland.
Emergency use in U.S., U.K., E.U., others.
RussiaGamaleyaAd26, Ad53Early use in Russia.
Emergency use in other countries.
Oxford-AstraZenecaChAdOx12-3Emergency use in U.K., E.U., other countries.
ChinaCanSinoAd53Limited use in China.
Johnson & JohnsonAd263
RussiaVector InstituteProtein3Early use in Russia.
ChinaSinopharmInactivated3Approved in China, U.A.E., Bahrain.
Emergency use in Egypt, other coutries.
ChinaSinovacInactivated3Approved in China.
Emergency use in Brazil, other countries.
ChinaSinopharm-WuhanInactivated3Limited use in China, U.A.E.
IndiaBharat BiotechInactivated3Emergency use in India.
Leading covid-19 vaccines- February 10, 2021

Personalized medicine focuses on longevity and life quality of an individual. The growth of new diagnostic and informatics regarding the molecular basis of disease, particularly genomics, has made it possible to tailor a precise treatment for one individual which could be very different from another one. 

Personalized medicine in Conovita has a solution-oriented approach and is open to multiple medical models as long as it helps resolving or mitigating one’s medical condition. A Physicist treats light with two contradictory models; Particle and Wave, to predict its trajectory and interactions accurately. The same way, personalized medicine can welcome alternative models in solving health problems as long as it follows scientific rigor in applying alternative models. Tailoring of treatment to patients dates back at least to the time of Hippocrates.

Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on essential health services:

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the capacity of health systems to continue the delivery of essential health services. While health systems around the world are being challenged by increasing demand for care of COVID-19 patients, it is critical to maintain preventive and curative services, especially for the most vulnerable populations, such as children, older persons, people living with chronic conditions, minorities and people living with disabilities.

Countries need to achieve the optimal balance between fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and maintenance of essential health services. WHO has been coordinating efforts across several regions and departments to support country implementation of targeted actions to reorganize and maintain access to safe and high-quality essential health services across the life course. 

Vaccines typically require years of research before getting approved and being used. As of February 10, 2021 researchers are testing 69 vaccines in clinical trials on humans, and 20 are in the final stages of testing. There are 89 vaccines in preclinical stage and are being active tested in animals. (ref: The New York Times: coronavirus vaccine tracker)

PhaseStatusnumber of vaccines
PHASE 1Vaccines testing safety and dosage37
PHASE 2Vaccines in expanded safety trials27
PHASE 3Vaccines in large-scale efficacy tests20
AUTHORIZEDVaccines in early or  limited use6
APPROVEDVaccines approved for full use4
ABANDONEDVaccines abandoned after trials4
Coronavirus vaccine report- Feb 10 2021

You can read more about the vaccine testing phases in here.

You can read more about leading coronavirus vaccines in here.

Understanding the spatial patterns of infectious diseases can offer information about their causes and controls. Geographic information systems (GIS) is increasingly being used for analyzing the geographical distribution of diseases and relationships between pathogenic factors (causative agents, patients, vectors, and hosts) and their geographic environments.

The application of GIS in epidemiology helps with visualizing and analyzing the geographic distribution of diseases through time, therefore reveals Spatio-temporal trends, patterns, and relationships that would be more difficult to discover otherwise. In an outbreak investigation, that it is important to understand the spatial spread and dynamics of the outbreak, GIS is an important tool for epidemiological studies.